IMPORTANT – Deadlines are Coming! TY2017

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog, you might be starting to think we sound a bit like a broken record with how often we mention deadlines for the upcoming tax season. Listen, we’re only doing it because we care about you.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to know and be aware of your filing deadlines. It will help you avoid last-minute time crunches and potential penalties.  So one more time, here are all your Tax Season 2018 ACA and 1099 deadlines in one convenient blog post!

Late 2017

November – December: Make sure to gather and verify all of the information you will need for your filings, including payee TIN details. Check out our step-by-step guides to figure out what information you need for your forms. The sooner you organize, the better prepared you’ll be!

Use TINCorrect to ensure that the TIN information provided to you matches with IRS records.

January 2018

January 15, 2018: This is the date by which we recommend you have your Form 1099 filings uploaded to BoomTax in order to have sufficient time to review and verify your data.

January 25, 2018: This is the date by which we recommend you place your order for Form 1099 Print & Mail services you intend to utilize through BoomTax. This will ensure sufficient time for delivery by the recipient deadline.

January 31, 2018:

  • Mandatory IRS deadline to distribute recipient copies of Form Series 1099 for Tax Year 2017.
  • Mandatory IRS deadline to submit any Form 1099-MISC with Box 7 NEC Reporting for Tax Year 2017 to the IRS, by paper or electronic filing.

February 2018

February 15, 2018: This is the date by which we recommend you have your ACA filings uploaded to BoomTax in order to have sufficient time to review and verify your data.

February 25, 2018: This is the date by which we recommend you place your order for Form 1095-C Print & Mail services you intend to utilize through BoomTax. This will ensure sufficient time for delivery by the recipient deadline.

February 28, 2018Mandatory IRS deadline to submit all Form 1094-C with 1095-C copies and Form Series 1099 reporting for Tax Year 2017 to the IRS if filing by paper.

March 2018

March 2, 2018: Mandatory IRS deadline to distribute recipient copies of Form Series 1095-C for Tax Year 2017.*

*Since the original publishing of this post, the IRS has announced an extension to the original 1095-C recipient copy distribution deadline of January 31. This extension is automatic and does not require any contact to the IRS. For more information, please refer to our blog post regarding the deadline extension.

April 2018

April 2, 2018Mandatory IRS deadline to submit all Form 1094-C with 1095-C copies and Form Series 1099 reporting for Tax Year 2017 to the IRS if filing electronically.

State 1099 Reporting Deadlines

If you’re required to submit 1099 reporting to any state agencies, you should be aware of any individual deadlines set by that state. Since deadlines vary from state to state, it is best to contact the appropriate state agency to verify.

BoomTax offers Combined Federal and State Filing for participating states so you can submit your 1099 filings to the state and IRS simultaneously. Simply import your XML or Excel data file and we’ll take care of the rest!

BoomTax, The Boom Post, and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors prior to engaging in any transaction.

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