We’ve created Excel import spreadsheet templates to help you easily upload all of your 1095-B and 1095-C, 1099, and W-2 data. Our Excel import option makes filing your data even easier, which gives you more time to review before the deadline.
These templates are identical to the official IRS forms so that you can enter the information just as you would on paper.
General Import Spreadsheet Guidelines
- All columns in the Excel spreadsheets must be present when uploaded, even if data is not entered or required.
- Do not leave any blank rows between recipient records.
- Recipient last name and TINs must match IRS records. False matches will be returned with TIN validation errors when e-filed.
- Numeric fields pertaining to monetary information do not need to include decimal points for whole numbers (e.g. “3.00” can be entered as “3”).
- TINs can be entered with or without dashes. The information will be standardized when read into our server (e.g. “123-45-6789” or “123456789” would both be accepted).
- Zip Codes can be entered with or without dashes for Zip+4 entries. The information will be standardized when read into our server (e.g. “78401-1234” or “784011234” would both be accepted).
- For True/False-type fields, “true”, “yes”, or “1” are all acceptable for affirmative responses, and “false”, “no”, or “0” are all acceptable for negative responses.
- For Form 1095-C, Covered Individual Data is only required if the employee is enrolled in an employer self-funded plan. If the employee is not enrolled in an employer self-funded plan, then do not list covered individuals for this employee.
For more in-depth or specific validation errors, you can submit your data file to BoomTax and our system will detect any issues. If your data is found to have any formatting mistakes or missing information, you will be shown a message explaining the issue and how to fix it.
Select a form below to see specific required information.
1095-C // 1095-B // 1099-MISC // 1099-DIV // 1099-INT // W-2
Required Information for Form 1095-C Import Spreadsheet
The following columns for the Form 1095-C import spreadsheet require data:
Employee Data
- 1. Employee first name
- 1. Last name
- 2. Social security number (SSN)
- 3. Street address
- 4. City or town
- 5. State or province (Abbreviated)
- 6. Country code (US if United States)
- 6. Zip or foreign postal code
- 10. Employer contact phone number
- 14. Offer of coverage – All 12 Months or values for each month
- 15. Employee share of lowest cost monthly premium – Do NOT complete if you use 1A or 1H in 14, otherwise, this must be completed.
- 16. Applicable section 4980H safe harbor (highly recommended to reduce your tax liability)
Covered Individuals Data
Important: Complete this section only if the ALE Member offers employer-sponsored self-insured health coverage in which the employee or other individual enrolled.
If this is the case, please list all of the covered individuals, including the employee, if enrolled in coverage.
- a. Covered individual first name
- a. Covered individual last name
- b. SSN
- c. DOB (if SSN is not available)
- d. Coverage – All 12 months or values for each month
Download the BoomTax 1095-C Excel Template
For more information:
Required Information for Form 1095-B Import Spreadsheet
The following columns for the Form 1095-B import spreadsheet require data:
- 1. Responsible individual first name
- 1. Last name
- 2. Social security number*
- 3. Date of birth (if no SSN)*
- 4. Street address (including apartment no.)
- 5. City or town
- 6. State or province
- 7. Country code
- 7. Zip or foreign postal code
- 8. Enter letter identifying Origin of Health Coverage
- a. First name of covered individual
- a. Last name
- b. SSN*
- c. DOB (if SSN is not available)*
- d. Covered all 12 Months or values for each month
Download the BoomTax 1095-B Excel template
For more information about preparing Form 1095-B, please refer to the IRS Instructions.
*If entering data for the responsible or covered individuals’ social security number, no entry will be necessary for the date of birth or vice versa. When available, the social security number is preferable to a date of birth entry.
Required Information for Form 1099-MISC Import Spreadsheet
The following columns for the Form 1099-MISC import spreadsheet require data:
- 1. Taxpayer identification number
- 1. Type of taxpayer identification number
- 2. First name*
- 2. Last name*
- 2. Company Name*
- 3. Street address
- 4. City or town
- 5. State or province
- 6. Country code
- 6. Zip or foreign postal code
- 7. Employer contact number
- 10. 2nd TIN notice
- 11. FATCA filing requirement
Download the BoomTax 1099-MISC Excel template
For more information about preparing Form 1099-MISC, please refer to the IRS Instructions.
*If entering data for a company recipient, use the Company Name column. No entries will be needed in First Name/Last Name columns if using Company Name, and vice versa.
Required Information for Form 1099-DIV Import Spreadsheet
The following columns for the Form 1099-DIV import spreadsheet require data:
- 1. Taxpayer identification number
- 1. Type of taxpayer identification number
- 2. First name*
- 2. Last name*
- 2. Company name*
- 3. Street address
- 4. City or town
- 5. State or province
- 6. Country code
- 6. Zip or foreign code
- 7. Employer contact number
- 10. 2nd TIN notice
- 11. FATCA filing requirement
Download the BoomTax 1099-DIV Excel template
For more information about preparing Form 1099-DIV, please refer to the IRS Instructions.
*If entering data for a company recipient, use the Company Name column. No entries will be needed in First Name/Last Name columns if using Company Name, and vice versa.
Required Information for Form 1099-INT Import Spreadsheet
The following columns for the Form 1099-INT import spreadsheet require data:
- 1. Taxpayer identification number
- 1. Type of taxpayer identification number
- 2. First name*
- 2. Last name*
- 2. Company name*
- 3. Street address
- 4. City or town
- 5. State or province
- 6. Country code
- 6. Zip or foreign postal code
- 7. Employer contact phone number
- 11. 2nd TIN notice
- 12. FATCA filing requirement
Download the BoomTax 1099-INT Excel template
For more information about preparing Form 1099-INT, please refer to the IRS Instructions.
*If entering data for a company recipient, use the Company Name column. No entries will be needed in First Name/Last Name columns if using Company Name, and vice versa.
Required Information for Form W-2 Import Spreadsheet
The following columns for the Form W-2 import spreadsheet require data:
- a. Social security number
- e. First name
- e. Last name
- f. Street address
- f. City or town
- f. State or province
- f. Country code
- f. Zip or foreign postal code
- 1. Wages, tips and other compensation
- 2. Federal income tax withheld
- 3. Social security wages
- 4. Social security tax withheld
- 5. Medicare wages and tips
Download the BoomTax W-2 Excel template
For more information about preparing Form W-2, please refer to the IRS Instructions.
Learn more about Form W-2c here.
Importing Your Data
To import your Excel spreadsheet, simply drag and drop or browse for the file when prompted after creating your filing.
If your data is imported successfully, you will be taken to a review screen reflecting your filing data. If there are any errors in your import file, an error notification will detail the type of error and line numbers to help you correct the information.
Need More Information?
Our BoomTax Knowledge base is available to customers 24/7.
If you still cannot locate the information you need, contact our Support Team. We’re always happy to help you!
BoomTax, The Boom Post, and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors prior to engaging in any transaction.