Alternative Form for Qualifying Offer Employees

The IRS has specified that employers are not required to furnish a form 1095C for employees that received a “Qualifying Offer” for all 12 months of the year provided the employer’s insurance plan is not self-insured and the alternate form meets a few requirements.

What is the Qualifying Offer Method?

Alternate form requirements for Qualifying Offer employees:

  • Employer name, address, and EIN.
  • Contact name and telephone number.
  • A statement indicating that, for all 12 months of the year, the employee and his or her spouse and dependents, if any, received a Qualifying Offer and
    therefore are not eligible for a premium tax credit.
  • Finally, the statement must direct employees to see Publication 974 for more info regarding premium tax credit eligibility.

By using an alternative form, employers may be able to cut down on the number of anticipated support calls provoked by the new ACA employer mandate since Form 1095C is a bit more complex compared to the alternate form.

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