1095-B Issuer TIN and Contact Information

One of the easiest steps of preparing Form 1095-B is to gather the information of the 1095-B issuer. This will include their TIN information and a point of contact for any recipient questions.

Issuer TIN

Like recipient TIN information, issuer TINs should be verified before the filings are submitted. Tools such as TINCorrect can help to make sure the information you have matches with IRS records. It is crucial to ensure you have the most updated information as soon as possible in order to prevent potential penalties from the IRS.

Contact Person

Make sure to provide your recipients with a working phone number or other contact option that’s available during regular hours. This is important in the event they have questions about their Form 1095-B. The point of contact should be adequately staffed and prepared to address questions or concerns that the recipients may have.

More Information

For more information on Form 1095-B filing, please view the IRS Instructions or check out our other blog posts linked below:

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